About Us

AUBG Daily has been around for more than a decade. We are the only independent media on campus. We have had articles which reached thousands of people. We have had people who praised us for our efforts. We have had people who tried to put censorship on our content. But most of all we have, we do, and we will always have a team of creative enthusiastic owlies who are deeply passionate about what they do.

“Owl the news” is not just a catchy phrase. It is our motto for a reason. We put in endless long night hours of effort for one single purpose: to make this world a brighter place, by illustrating and showing people the rainbows and butterflies but also the dark alleys that sometimes surround them. AUBG Daily is the creative spirit of ardent young minds, who aspire to inspire.

Meet our parliament of owls.


   Janina Ormanova                Vasil Paskov                   Eka Iakobadze
        President                        Editor-in-Chief                       Producer           


      Hary Dikov                    Radostina Ivanova
Head of Sponsorship              Head of Marketing


   Kaloyan Ivanov                    David Mitov                 Spasiela Gizdova
Reporter, Sponsorship             Reporter, Editor                 Reporter, Editor


    Toma Krumov                   Niya Manditsch              Bilyana Spasova
    Reporter, Editor                         Editor                            Reporter


  Yoana Lyubenova              Stoyana Franzen            Veronika Ivanova     
          Reporter                           Reporter                            Reporter


 Hristiyana Ivanova            Ivona Bekyarska               Raya Zasheva
         Reporter                           Marketing                         Marketing


  Vayana Sinabova              Salome Menabde            Kristiana Krasteva
Marketing                           Marketing                    Marketing, Design


   Melani Karovska           Magdalena Yordanova
        Marketing                              Design


   Gabriela Stoeva                Maria Pencheva
Design                                Design 


Aleksandar Zemlyakov      Nikolay Lyutskanov            Daniel Todorov
      Sponsorship                         Sponsorship                      Sponsorship