"The Special Need"

  • In Archive
  • 2014-04-21 15:21:42
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AUBG Documentary Club had its last meeting for this semester on April 14. The Club screened The Special Need, a sweet and emotional documentary which explores one person’s urges and desires under special circumstances. [caption id="attachment_20548" align="alignleft" width="132" caption="The official The Special Need poster"][/caption] The documentary, directed by Carlo Zoratti, tells the story of Enea, a 29-year- old Italian virgin who goes on a road trip to Austria and Germany to look for love, with his two friends, Alex and Carlo. Enea’s  quest for physical love proves to be difficult  because of his autism. For him the perfect woman is a clipping of a model from a fashion magazine that he lovingly calls Catarina and whose laminated picture he relentlessly carries around. But despite his high standards and obstacles, Enea is courageous, sweet and always positive. The Special Need shares the features of both a documentary and a movie but this should not make hardcore documentary lovers to toss it aside. Yes, it does raise questions of what is real and what might be staged but Enea’s endless crusade for human contact is so intimate and eye-opening that everything else fades in the background. As April 14 was the last screening of the Club for this semester, Igor [caption id="attachment_20550" align="alignright" width="325" caption="From left to right: Enea, Carlo(the director of the documentary) and Alex"][/caption] Myakotin the president of the AUBG Documentary Club shared his plans for Fall 2014, “The AUBG Doc Club has a lot of great things to offer next semester. We'll have a major recruitment campaign for the core team. The club will host the 48 hour doc challenge and of course, we have amazing documentaries in store for the AUBG and Blagoevgrad community. Our main idea is to make some screenings open to Blagoevgrad public, like the Tzvetanka documentary was. The cherry on top though will be the annual trip to the biggest documentary film festival in the world - IDFA 2014 (International Documentary Film Festival in Amsterdam).” The images used are courtesy of www.facebook.com/thespecialneed